‘When life throws lemons at you, make Lemonade.’ Shilpa’s story is one of pure grit and determination, of getting your life back on lane when it goes off-track. Shilpa founded Legal Connect, which delivers practical solutions to diverse legal situations.

What do you do and how did you get to where you are today? What drove you to success?

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going".

This quote applies in my case completely. I was just a regular person (still am), but when life threw challenges at me (of a near death experience), I had no choice but to rise to the challenge. I am a lawyer by profession, married with 2 kids.

 I was struck by viral meningitis in Feb 2003. Something that happened completely out of the blue, and within 48 hours of high fever, I slipped into a deep coma for 40 days. When I opened my eyes in April 2003, I was waist down paralysed. The silver lining of this dark cloud, was that my brain was not affected. That’s what made me think, I am alive for a reason. I stood for the first time after six months in September 2003. It was a slow rehabilitation process for over 2 years. I went back to my work. I started with small legal assignments to joining full time as the Legal Advisor of a leading marine company in 2010. In 2015, I opened my own consultancy firm, Legal Connect.

What drove me all along my journey from being completely laid until now, was the realization that life is a precious gift and just to be alive is such a joy. How can I waste it grumbling about what went wrong. There is so much to look ahead to. My family has been my greatest strength and support. My zeal and zest for life seems to be the driving force making me live life to the fullest.

I penned down my journey and what it took to get me through the turmoil in a book titled "All Battles Aren't Legal" for anyone looking for some motivation when life goes off track.

2.  What brings you joy?

Simple things bring me joy. Bringing a smile on someone's face gives me great joy. Doing small things that make others happy. I feel everyone is fighting a battle of some sort. So being kind and responsive to their situation and feelings is what is required of us. In whatever way, big or small, I try to do that.

My work gives me great joy. The joy of successfully completing work for my clients gives me professional satisfaction. Their 'Well done Shilpa" or "Brilliant" brings a big smile on my face.

Spending time with loved ones, family and friends, gives me immense joy.

Time spent with loved ones is priceless and true joy.
