As Emiratis, we truly know of the real summer and heat. The sweltering summer can be very cruel to the skin. Many skin experts warn the residents of the major damages that the UAE summer can do. The blazing heat of the sun can cause rashes, skin infections, burns, red skin, peeling skin, etc. Besides it can also make your skin very dull and dehydrated, it can take away your skin’s radiance.

Here we bring to you some quick and easy ways to beat the heat. Read on to know how you can protect your skin. Moreover, we have also added tips on how you can reverse the damage. We have kept the read short and crisp for you. 

Tip 1 Shake Hands With Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most important skin care product. Sunscreen is the skin shield. So, take note of this or set a reminder, but do not forget to add sunscreen to your summer skincare. Make sure the one you choose has broad UV protection (between 30-50 SPF, and protects UVA and UVB rays). Cover your neck, hands, feet, and shoulders well.

What to do if you missed wearing sunscreen? How to get rid of tanning or sunburns?

The crouching rays of the sun and their intensity can cause tanning and sunburns. If you have got burns, treat them with aloe vera and let them heal. If you have got peeling skin, exfoliate. Use thick and rich creams and moisturize your skin well.

Tip 2 Add Light Skin Care Products in Your Routine

The sweat caused due to the heat of the sun can wreak havoc on your skin. If along with that you use heavy makeup or lotions, you will deprive your skin of breathing. Ditch those heavy products and switch to lightweight skin care products and some good toners. Add them to your summer skincare. You can also browse online for the best vitamin c serum and add it to your skincare routine. Remember to not go out in the sun wearing it though.

Is your skin breaking out because of all that sweat?

That’s because heat can open your pores and when they trap the dirt and sweat, you can get pimples and acne. Use a clarifying body wash such as the tea tree body wash.  You can also switch to a salicylic or benzoyl oxide-based face wash until your skin is clear. Avoid using retinol-containing products at night. Instead, use a milder face wash in the mornings.

Tip 3 Add Home Remedies in Your Summer Skincare 

Home remedies work the best for the skin, especially in summer. There are no side effects usually and they are very gentle on the skin as well. You can always use yogurt to get rid of tanning, make a DIY cucumber toner, use rosewater, etc. Get that really light and cool summer skincare feel. 

Has your skin become really dry and tight because of salt and sand? Home remedies can fight it!

There is no skin problem a home remedy can not be the answer for. If such is your skin condition, then you can rehydrate your skin. A moisturizing honey mask can do wonders for your skin. You can mix honey with milk. You can also use petroleum jelly or coconut oil. 

Tip 4 Hydrate and Cleanse 

To avoid undesirable sun damage, you should keep your skin clean. Washing your face with a gentle face wash and cold water can make your skin feel pumped. But remember it goes hand in hand with inner hydration. Drink plenty of water. Have juices and liquids to avoid dehydration. 

Is your face cleanser or face wash leaving your skin dry and dull?

This is probably because you are using a face wash that is not fit for your type of skin. If you have oily skin, then you must use an oil-clear face wash. But if you are using an oil clear face wash on dry skin, your skin can end up being very patchy and gloomy. Avoid doing this skincare mistake now!

Summer can change the quality of your skin. From otherwise dry your skin can turn oily or combination, However, if you follow these simple tips, you can avoid all types of skin issues. Also, you can repair your skin damage. It can help you to get that radiant and healthy skin back.
